What is a Baptist church?
When we use the term "Baptist" we primarily mean two things. First, we refer to the subjects and mode of baptism. The Scriptural subjects of baptism to be professing believers only. Baptism is a New Covenant ordinance and is to be understood in light of New Covenant teaching. Every Biblical teaching and every Biblical example of baptism shows baptism is for professing believers only. The "mode" of baptism refers to the way baptism is administered. We believe proper baptism is by immersion of the subject under water, following a credible profession of faith in Christ.
Second, we use the term "Baptist" to refer to the idea of regenerate church membership. By this we mean that only those who are converted and have been Scripturally baptized have the right to membership in a particular church.
What do you mean by Reformed?
The idea of being Reformed ties us to the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant Reformation was anchored on the authority and sufficiency of the Bible. We hold to the distinctive doctrines concerning Scripture and salvation that were foundational to the Protestant Reformation. We hold to the doctrines of grace. These doctrines relate to God's sovereignty in salvation. Also, we seek to reform ourselves, our church, and other Christians and churches back to the Bible. This is a continual reformation, thus we consider ourselves "reformed and reforming."
Are you an age-integrated church?
There are a variety of ideas about exactly what is an age-integrated church as opposed to churches emphasizing age-segregation. Age-integrated churches are found in all types of denominations, as well as independent churches, and are not tied to one particular theological tradition. In our case, age-integration is a principle that holds to the importance of the interaction of all ages in the normal life and practice of the church. This means all ages worship together in our gatherings. We do provide a room for nursing mothers and we encourage parents to take their children out of the worship gathering for discipline purposes and then to return. The Scriptural example is for children to participate in the worship of the church and we believe that children can actually learn a lot from participating in the corporate worship service. However, we do believe there should be opportunities for those of the same age range, gender, and interests to fellowship together and for ministries to certain age groups, genders, and interests.