Why Ekklesia?

Theological training is useful in all cultures and in all seasons. There are many men in North America who need, and desire, the kind of theological training Ekklesia offers. However, perhaps the most critical need for Ekklesia Seminary is in the international church. We desire to provide training worldwide, which often entrails the need for financial support to provide such training. 

There is astonishing growth in numbers of Christian churches in Africa, Asia, South America, and countries that were formerly behind the so-called iron curtain. Along with this growth is the need for qualified and trained leadership. Currently existing universities and seminaries are not able to provide the necessary training for the needed leaders of churches. There are massive numbers of leaders who have never had any theological training. 

In many countries, there is only one trained leader for every twenty churches. One article reported that a denomination of 1,000 congregations in Uganda only had 8 trained pastors. A denomination of 675 churches in Zambia only had 31 trained pastors. Over the past fifty years, tens of thousands of churches have been planted in the Philippines. The need for trained leaders is massive and urgent!

China is another country that has massive needs in regard to leadership of churches. Again, there are tens of thousands of house churches that need trained leaders. The church in China is suffering persecution and often the first target of such persecution is the pastor. This can leave churches without trained leaders. 

In some countries the growth of the churches is outpacing the ability to provide trained leaders. 

Such lack of leadership means churches often lack spiritual maturity and are ripe for false doctrine.